Does your steering wheel feel like it’s fighting you when trying to drive in a straight line? Does your truck turn too aggressively when you try to go one direction, and poorly when you try to go another? There are a few possibilities as to what it means if your truck resists going in a straight line. Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville has the answers for you.
Whether you drive a Chevy, Ram, or Ford diesel pickup, we have you covered. At Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC, we can do it all - and a big part of that is done by employing ASE certified technicians.
At Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC, we see our fair share of warning lights and dashboard notifications. If your ABS light is illuminated, here’s what you need to know. First, it should be noted that the ABS light is supposed to illuminate for a few seconds after you turn the key, as part of a system test. If the light stays illuminated or comes on again randomly, there’s an issue somewhere that must be addressed.
Obviously, your engine is the heart and soul of your car, truck, or SUV. When your engine requires maintenance or repair, rest assured your vehicle is in good hands at Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville.
At Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC, we know your Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge pickup was designed for optimal power, torque, and towing and hauling ability, no matter what the job is. We also know that while getting up to speed in a timely fashion is important, your diesel pickup’s ability to stop is equally essential.
While diesel engines have become more common in trucks and certain cars, overwhelmingly the most common car, truck, and SUV powerhouse found on the road today is the gasoline combustion engine. At Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, our technicians are skilled in every aspect of gasoline engine maintenance and repair, to keep yours reliably on the road and running strong.
Whether you drive a Chevrolet, Ford, or Dodge diesel pickup, there will come a day when it’s time to ask the question - has the time come to get a new truck? Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC is here to help you decide.
Chevrolet, Ford and Ram diesel pickups are well-built machines. Still, sometimes they break down. Here’s what you can do to prevent that from happening and reduce the cost of a more expensive repair. At Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC our diesel customers are important to us and we want your diesel to last you.
360 Commercial Park Drive
Thomasville, NC 27360
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