The interior of your car can be difficult to maintain; between you, your kids, and anyone else who gets a ride from you, wear and tear on the interior of your vehicle is constant. Drinks get spilled, burn holes appear, rips and tears happen. Unlike the rest of your car, the interior isn’t made of metal, so it requires special treatment to keep it in good condition.
Our goal at Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC is to provide you with the best transmission service possible. One way we do that is by helping you understand a little more about your transmission and the way it works. Knowledge about your vehicle and its systems allow you to catch problems when they arise and deal with them appropriately, saving you money and easing some of the stress of car ownership. You probably already know how to check your oil, and when to change it. Checking and maintaining transmission fluid is something people tend to understand far less about, however. Here’s what you need to know.
Whether you drive a Duramax, Cummins, or Powerstroke diesel pickup, you have an exhaust system that is prone to failure. When you have a leak that needs attention, Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC can help.
Exhaust issues aren’t typically a big deal, which means they tend to be neglected. As long as the truck is still running right, many people don’t make the time to have an issue taken care of. Plus, exhaust systems are particularly susceptible to problems.
Though transmissions are generally reliable, there are a great number of issues that can develop with one. From Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC, here’s a general overview of the types of problems your transmission may develop, all of which we service and repair.
Do you need new brake pads? Most of the time, if you think you do, the answer is yes. While a lot of auto parts stores sell brake pads with lifetime warranties, don’t be misled...brake pads will still wear down.
It’s not always easy to recognize when your vehicle is suffering from a simple problem that requires a little maintenance and TLC or there is real engine damage as symptoms can be overlooked and seen as “normal.” While not all sounds and smells may threaten the life of your vehicle or truck engine, there are some obvious warning signs that require a vehicle inspection here at the shop right away.
Exhaust issues are extremely common, no matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive. At Pure Diesel, Inc. in Kernersville, NC, we can get your exhaust back in shape in no time. Exhaust issues tend to be neglected, and we get that; there are just other parts of your vehicle that you'd rather focus on. Besides a clogged catalytic converter, there isn’t much risk of damage from a bad exhaust system - it negatively affects your gas mileage, and the sound is annoying but other than that, it’s an issue many people learn to live with.
360 Commercial Park Drive
Thomasville, NC 27360
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